建造業零碳天地 X TURNED-E!
今個暑假一班小小工程師在建造業零碳天地發揮他們的創科小宇宙,在TURNED-E!的導師們的指導下,親手組裝了重物搬動輔助機械人,然後再學習怎樣利用 Ardunio 編程來操控機械人。
This summer, a group of young engineers participated in a zero-carbon construction workshop, where they got to develop their creative abilities. Following the instruction of the tutors from TURNED-E!, they assembled a robotic assistant to help with heavy lifting tasks, and then learned how to program it using Arduino.
How can they safely and efficiently complete heavy material handling tasks? They can use the robotic assistant they built and programmed themselves. The young engineers also held a small competition to showcase their control skills.
Congratulations to the winning kids!