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【Tech For Future 2024 | 創新訓練營正式開始!】

作家相片: Fai TingFai Ting


Tech For Future 2024的第一個訓練營於4月6日在香港聖公會何明華會督中學圓滿結束。我們衷心感謝各位參加者的支持!

我們非常榮幸邀請到 The Hong Kong Association for Computer Education 香港電腦教育學會 (HKACE) 榮譽主席、聖公會何明華會督中學校長金偉明在訓練營中致開幕辭,講述 AI 在現今教育中的應用和分析AI在教育領域中的未來發展方向。此外,我們亦邀請到 Microsoft Education Skills Lead Panda Huang向參加者介紹Microsoft Imagine Cup Junior (ICJ)、雲端技術以及Microsoft AI-900證書課程。

今年的訓練營新增模擬比賽,讓參加者體驗創科比賽的流程。今次模擬比賽由Una創辦人Dr. Leo Yeung主持、Turned-E Education 育教創科 的聯合創辦人兼CEO Alex Leung作參賽嘉賓與4位學生作評判在台上進行。模擬比賽期間Alex分享了芯片和PCB設計培訓的理念和特點,而其後的問答環節學生評判踴躍發問,Alex和Leo還分享了多個比賽小提示!

最後,Una的首席導師Dragon Ma也分享了Tech For Future 2024的比賽框架、AI技術應用體驗以及作品原型研發等內容。


關於Tech For Future 2024:

「科技創未來 – Tech For Future」創新訓練營及比賽2024由Una與 The Hong Kong Association for Computer Education 香港電腦教育學會主辦、香港中文中學聯會協辦,並得到 政府資訊科技總監辦公室 Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO)和 Microsoft 等多個機構支持,以Microsoft Imagine Cup Junior熱身賽的形式為培訓香港創科⼈才出一分力。Tech For Future 2024有來自35所學校、約255位師生組成54個中小學隊伍參賽。參加隊伍須於4月出席其中一個訓練營和在5月提供2分鐘演講短片爭取進入決賽資格。決賽將於7月12日在Microsoft Hong Kong數碼港辦公室舉行。

The first Tech For Future 2024 training camp completed successfully on April 6 at HKSKH Bishop Hall Secondary School. We truly appreciate all participants' support!

We are delighted to have invited Kam Wai Ming, Honorary Chairman of The Hong Kong Association for Computer Education 香港電腦教育學會 (HKACE) and Principal of HKSKH Bishop Hall Secondary School, to deliver the opening speech at the training camp, discussing the use of AI in today's education and analysing the future development of AI in the field of education. In addition, we welcomed Microsoft Education Skills Lead Panda Huang to present Microsoft Imagine Cup Junior (ICJ), cloud technology, and Microsoft AI-900 certificate courses to the attendees.

This year's training camp includes a simulated competition, allowing participants to experience the process of an innovation and technology competition. The simulated competition was hosted by Dr. Leo Yeung, Founder of Una and featured Alex Leung, Co-Founder and CEO of Turned-E Education 育教創科, as a guest participant and four students as judges. Alex explained the rationale and features of chip and PCB design training during the competition. In the subsequent Q&A session, student judges actively asked questions, and Alex and Leo provided a few competition tips!

Finally, Dragon Ma, Una's Chief Instructor, discussed the competition framework for Tech For Future 2024, AI technology application experience, and work prototype development.

Let's take a look back at the highlights of the training camp day! Please continue keeping up with our activities as we explore a new era of science and technology to create the future together.

About Tech For Future 2024:

"Tech For Future" Innovation Training Camp and Competition 2024 is organized by Una and The Hong Kong Association for Computer Education 香港電腦教育學會, and co-organized by the HKCMS, with the support from 政府資訊科技總監辦公室 Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO), Microsoft and many other organisations. The event, which takes the form of a Microsoft Imagine Cup Junior warm-up competition, aimed at nurturing talent in innovation and technology in Hong Kong. Tech For Future 2024 has attracted about 255 students and teachers from 35 primary and secondary schools forming 54 teams. Participating teams are required to attend one of the training camps in April and submit a 2-minute speech video in May to compete for a spot in the finals. The finals will be held on July 12 at the Microsoft Hong Kong office in Cyberport.

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