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【科技創未來 - Tech For Future 2024 | 第三場創新訓練營圓滿結束!】

作家相片: Fai TingFai Ting


「科技創未來 - Tech For Future 2024」的第三場創新訓練營已於2024年4月27日(星期六)在粉嶺救恩書院圓滿結束。我們由衷感謝各大機構的支持,以及所有熱情參與的師生,使這次活動更具意義!

是次活動中,我們非常榮幸邀請到粉嶺救恩書院的副校長趙鴻興先生開幕致辭,為同學們加油打氣之外;亦有幸邀請到Microsoft Education Skills Lead Panda Huang為參賽者介紹了Microsoft Imagine Cup Junior (ICJ)和Microsoft AI-900證書課程。希望同學們能更深入了解全球及業界認可的人工智能基礎證書,為升學和就業作好充分準備!

此外,Una創辦人Dr. Leo Yeung亦主持了一場精彩的模擬決賽!模擬決賽特邀Turned-E Education育教創科的聯合創辦人兼CEO Alex Leung作為嘉賓,並由四位學生擔任評審。他們在台上分享了比賽的流程和各種寶貴建議,為所有來賓提供了寶貴的見解。


【Tech For Future 2024 | The third innovation training camp wrapped up with great success!】

The successful conclusion of the third "Tech For Future 2024" innovation training camp at Fanling Kau Yan College on April 27, 2024 (Saturday) is a testament to the invaluable contributions of esteemed institutions, dedicated instructors, and enthusiastic students. We extend our heartfelt gratitude for making this event remarkable and unforgettable.

We were privileged to have Mr. Chiu, Vice-Principal of Fanling Kau Yan College, deliver an inspiring opening speech to motivate and uplift the students. It was an honor to have Panda Huang, Microsoft Education Skills Lead, showcase Microsoft Imagine Cup Junior (ICJ) and the Microsoft AI-900 certification courses to the participants. Our objective was to equip the students with a comprehensive understanding of the fundamental artificial intelligence certification that holds global recognition in the industry. We hope that this knowledge will fully prepare them for future academic pursuits and career opportunities.

In addition, the founder of Una, Dr. Leo Yeung, hosted an exceptional mock final during the training camp! The mock final included Alex Leung, the co-founder and CEO of Turned-E Education, as a guest, and four students who served as judges. They provided valuable insights by sharing the competition process and offering valuable feedback to all attendees.

Let's take a look back at the highlights of the training camp day! Please continue to keep up with our activities as we explore a new era of science and technology to create the future together.

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